Thursday, December 22, 2011

Basement Heeling

Between heeling is really starting to look nice, like we are walking together as a team. Kastle's coordination has caught up and now when he spurts ahead a bit he makes an effort to match his pace to mine. I like that a lot. We have the start of a smooth turn, the mechanics are there but I have to slow it down into smaller pieces to make sure we make the turn together.

I have been dying to teach him to heel backwards under me but physically he couldn't do it and luring that position is really hard. Instead, I've been marking and rewarding when he offers it randomly. Which, he has been doing :-) I have to walk backwards but again, the basics are there!

We've had a breakthrough on the find-the-left-leg exercise. Primarily, he now understands he's to be following my leg :-)

His focused heeling is starting to resemble real heeling, with a series of steps. I am loving how it looks right now.

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