Friday, April 6, 2012

Backtracking Obedience

Well, Kastle is an adolescent. A teenager. Annoying. Irritating. Demanding. Stubborn. LOL We're going through an obnoxious stage. He's being way overly friendly, running up to strangers and strange dogs with all the enthusiasm of a 10 week old puppy, instead of a 10 month old GSD (he has *never* done this before!). It's weird to get used to. I have never had to keep him on a long line or a leash when out and about because his recall has *always* been 100%. No more. Now he is a jerk and therefore chained to me against his will Muhahahaha. Anyway, part of this stage also includes a constant battle over which of us is right and which is in charge of our training sessions. He tends to think he knows everything and therefore can demand, argue and fight over what he's doing and when he's rewarded. I am willing to prove to him that he is wrong every time but it gets old and since I think it's just a stage, instead I am switching gears. We are going back to primarily food luring/training/rewarding. I am also going back to basics and re-teaching or reinforcing, or even newly introducing off old things he knows. Like the perch. He knows perch but he doesn't remember  how to spin into position, definitely not on voice command. We're working on that now instead. I am going to teach him to turn left and right and pivot tight to my leg. Then we can go back to heeling later. So, lots of fun and games and engagement to remind him how awesome it is to be with Mom :-) Annoying little jerk! LOL Here's a video of my reminding him  his perch work and spins.

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