Sunday, November 20, 2011

Obedience at Schutzhund

Realized today that Kastle will lure with a higher value treat (not just plain kibble anymore, he'd rather offer eye contact instead - oh well), such as string cheese. I decided to use this method at Schutzhund to work on some prolonged heeling and just see how he looks overall now that he's grown so much in a short period. I was pleased with his focus, his prance and how well he did in the group - absolute focus. I was no pleased with my handling or my speed - I need to practice!

He is totally comfortable over the wall now and is starting to apply speed. I need to be cautious and make sure I reward for coming off the wall low because I can see a desire/tendency to want to just leap off the far side.

His Voraus is still pretty fast and we extended the distance I was sending him quite a bit.  Speed to positions after the Voraus and coming to me were absolutely fast and correct - love!

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