Monday, November 14, 2011

Basement Obedience

Tonight's session involved working on the kick-back stand (Steh) for Schutzhund. Kastle likes this motion a lot and is really starting to get into it. I also did a little Around the cone work. His speed to the cone is moderate, his speed from the cone to me is really fast. I am thinking this is going to translate into all of his retrieves later so I'm going to start building his drive to run from me to objects now. We'll see how that goes. I am working on his heel-side focus now more and more too, that's going really well. Applying his Fuss command and expecting him to stay focused even while my hand is moving. Continuing the Hold the dowel work as a little bit of a pressure exercise. He's responding really, really well to that so I am thrilled. A tiny bit of position reinforcement - aka, I will pull the leash and see if he will break his sit or down - which he does not at all.

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