Sunday, September 18, 2011

Socialization and Distractions

I ran Eden in a Grand Rapids Agility Club (GRAC) trial this weekend and Kastle came along for the fantastic opportunity to work on obedience in some serious distractions, socialization and crate time among a ton of activity. He was wonderful! Loads of people, including those in walkers and wheelchairs, children and adults, pet him and loved on him. He was held by a friend while I helped clean up an agility course and did very well - a little barking as I walked away and then re-focused on my friend. Lots of heeling, eye contact, sit and down in the crazy busy middle aisle between the two agility rings. Rude dogs coming up to meet him without permission (same with owners *sigh*). He was perfect. Friendly for a minute and then focus right back on me - from both dogs, puppies and humans.

His heeling is really starting to look nice! The lure being pressed into his face is becoming less and less, he is actually offering that - which is wonderful!

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