Monday, August 15, 2011

Obedience Skills Update

Kastle has made some serious breakthroughs on his obedience skills since the last video I posted. He now knows eye contact, and has a really excellent start on the sit command. We're working on platz as well. He's got the start of a finish from the right to between my legs and does some pretty good heeling there as well - complete with turns. His perch is great. I can send him to it and he also has accomplished spinning on it both clockwise and counterclockwise. I'm really excited by his progress!

And to quote Jason we, "....had an obedience off, Zoolander style" LOL

1 comment:

  1. He is looking awesome! I have not done perch work with Sophie but have been told recently it may help with her swinging hips and 90 degree left turns.

    Very cool to watch how you and Kastle are progressing!
